#FlamingoChallenge Enters Fifth Year With $350,000 Raised Supporting Breast Cancer Patients
Hospitals in North Florida and South Georgia treat thousands of new cancer cases each year — and breast cancer is the most common diagnosis.
The #FlamingoChallenge, a partnership between First Commerce Credit Union and the foundations that support three hospitals in the region, has raised more than $350,000 in the five years since it was launched to benefit local breast cancer patients.
This unique fundraising initiative brings a flamboyant twist to Breast Cancer Awareness Month by providing flocks of pink yard flamingos and colorful yard signs to donors so they can proudly display them in front of their homes and businesses to show their support. Participants also are encouraged to take pictures of themselves with their flocks and post on social media challenging others to “join the flock.”
All money raised through the #FlamingoChallenge stays local, going to support Tallahassee Memorial Hospital’s Walker Breast Program, Archbold Memorial Hospital’s Lewis Hall Singletary Archbold Cancer Center and South Georgia Medical Center’s Pearlman Cancer Center.
“Over the years, it has been incredible to watch people and organizations give generously to support community members who are fighting breast cancer,” said Cecilia Homison, CEO of First Commerce. “First Commerce remains committed to transforming the communities we serve through initiatives that truly change lives. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to everyone who participates.”
The #FlamingoChallenge’s success over the past five years can only mean that the fundraiser’s impact can only go up from here. Here are some examples of the purchases for patients that have been made possible through the #FlamingoChallenge:
- The TMH Foundation purchased the Kub Technologies 3D MOZART IQ System, advanced technology that gives surgeons greater precision in removing cancerous tissue for better patient outcomes
- Cold cap therapy treatments for a patient undergoing chemotherapy to prevent hair loss
- Mammo Pads to help make the mammogram process more comfortable
- Lymphedema sleeves, which relieve pain and stiffness in the extremities caused by fluid buildup that can result from cancer treatments
- Gift bags of cosmetics and skin care items for patients participating in the Brave and Beautiful program, a beauty and skin care program unique to Archbold
- PET scans, MRIs or mammograms for patients who do not have health insurance
To learn more about the #FlamingoChallenge, how you can participate, or to make a donation online, visit www.FirstCommerceCU.org/flamingo/

Who We Are
Established in 1940, First Commerce is a full-service, not-for-profit credit union with locations across North Florida and South Georgia. We are a member-owned cooperative and committed to the communities we serve. Our purpose is to empower people to enhance their financial well-being by helping them achieve their financial goals – whether it’s simplifying their day-to-day finances, buying their first car or home, or building a great retirement. When you bank with First Commerce, you get a truly personal experience backed by 80 years of financial expertise.